Servis Learning-SDGs 3:Good Health and Well-Being
"The Importance of Exercise During a Pandemic to Increase the Body's Immune"
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exercising in a pandemic condition is very important to increase one's body's immunity so if someone is exposed to the covid 19 virus but the person's body has a strong immune then the virus will leave the body by itself. Therefore the way I can do to increase a person's immune system is as follows :
A. Investigation
Make observation about the large number of people who do not exercise during the pandemic.
B. Preparation and Planning
Planning education about the importance of exercise to improve body health to many people especially family.
C. Action
~ Increase public awareness about the importance of sports in a way that is easy to understand and makes them not bored with sports.
~ Teach how to do the right exercise to increase the body's immune during this pandemic.
D. Demonstration
Sport or physical activity as part of PHBS is very important during the current Covid-19 pandemic. exercise or physical activity, especially at moderate intensity and duration, can support the immune response and increase the body's resistance to disease. Meanwhile, high-intensity and prolonged exercise is not recommended because it can cause immunosuppression or decrease the body's immunity.
Some research results also show that exercise or physical activity can prevent mental disorders experienced by some people due to the implementation of quarantine and isolation, as well as physical distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue and stress syndrome.
Exercising or doing physical activity can also prevent a person from heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, diseases that are most likely to occur during the Covid-29 pandemic due to the lack of physical activity of people who tend to spend time at home watching television, using cellphones, and playing games, putting them at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
I hope that from the service learning that I made, it can help someone in increasing their immune system because the body's immune system is very important so that we are not exposed to the deadly virus, namely the covid 19 virus. Thank you🤗
Dian Sonya Kristanti
BalasHapusI agree with you, by doing some body exercises during this pandemic, we can increase our immune system so that we are not easily attacked by diseases like covid-19. But sometimes teenagers like us are too lazy to do body exercises, I hope reading your blog can motivate them.
Sherina Ayu/12 Mipa 2/33
BalasHapusgood idea!, during a pandemic like this health is the main thing, because exercise has many benefits for our health and immune system, therefore everyone is expected to do exercise regularly for themselves and those around them.
well how about for people who are lazy to exercise? Is there any other way to increase the body's immunity?
BalasHapusTutur Rahayu_26_12Mipa1_ yes, in this situation, indeed we must be able to maintain our health properly, which can be done by exercising regularly which has many benefits for the body, I hope that by sharing this knowledge many people will realize the importance of exercising regularly and do it
BalasHapusDison aku sudah mengumpulkan 😃😭
BalasHapusSavitri Jayanti_32_XII Mipa 2
BalasHapusexercise at a time like this is very necessary to maintain our immunity and health. This sport can be done at home, for example, squad jumps, push ups and a simpler one is from a sitting position to standing up and so on, it's very easy. but it's not just sports but lifestyle, food patterns, and maintaining cleanliness that we must improve during the covid-19 pandemic
Yeah, during this pandemic immune system is really needed because if the immune system is strong it will not be easy to get COVID-19, it can be done like you do namely exercising at home, but many people are lazy to do it. Hopefully with this information many people are aware and motivated to do so.
BalasHapusApreliya dwi W_03_12mipa 4
BalasHapusgood joob dian,
In this pandemic we must always take care
immunity and always exercise so that the body's immune becomes immune to disease or virus attacks.
so in mind mapping you have done what should be needed during a pandemic
BalasHapusGood job Dian Sonya. In the times of pandemic, exercising is highly recommended to boost our immunity. Thank you for providing this useful article. So that people can realize the importance of exercising during pandemic.
Dhini Rahma_09_XII MIPA 2
BalasHapusGreat and useful action! The pandemic doesn't stop us from doing exercise. Any exercise and for how long it is very important to balance the many activities that we only do from home during this pandemic.